Xiaoming Zhang

Department of Earth Sciences , University of Western Ontario


I'm Xiaoming Zhang, PhD candidate in Geophysics at University of Western Ontario. I work in the Laboratory of Nonlinear Geophysical Modelling under the supervision of Professor Robert Shcherbakov. My research interests focus on modelling of complex systems, both macroscopically such as earthquakes and microscopically such as quantum magnetic systems. This website showcases my recent research projects.

This website includes my research work, study and TA information, etc. Some of my frequently used links can be found in the tool box below. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or simply leave a message on the comment page.

Frequently Used Links

Computational physics utility Administration links
Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations
(ALPS) project
UWO student centre
ROOT data analysis framework OWL e-class site
BOOST C++ library UWO career central